The Rochester and Genesee Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people in the following counties:
At the dawn of a new millennium, we proclaim a New Alliance to improve the lives of and increase power for working families, bring fairness and dignity to the workplace and secure social equity. We will prevail by mobilizing our members to support our cause and building a strong, diverse, free and democratic labor movement.
We will organize workers into unions, allied by common purposes and mutual reliance. We will recruit generations of organizers, amass resources to sustain their efforts and inspire workers to achieve dignity and security through organization and collective bargaining. We will generate broad understanding among our members of the necessity of organizing among our members, our leaders and all unorganized workers.
We will give political voice to workers in our area. We will fight for a public policy agenda favorable to working families at all levels of government. We will assemble a broad progressive coalition for social and economic justice. We will create a political force within the labor movement that will speak forcefully and persuasively on the public issues that affect our lives.
We will establish unions as active forces in our communities. We will build Union Cities to make the voices of working families heard in our neighborhoods. We will foster vibrant local and community labor councils. We will strengthen the ties of labor with our allies. We will speak out effectively and creatively on behalf of all workers in our communities.
With confidence and trust in the inherent power and goodness of our people and the promise of unionism, we proclaim this Constitution.
This organization shall be known as the Rochester and Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the Area Labor Federation. It shall at all times maintain affiliation with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations and conduct all of its affairs in accordance with the Constitution of the AFL-CIO and the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils of that organization. As a chartered organization of the AFL-CIO, this Area Labor Federation shall conform its activities on national affairs to the policies of the AFL-CIO, and on state matters to the policies of the state AFL-CIO.
The purpose of this Area Labor Federation shall be to promote, through appropriate activities in the geographical area of its charter, the principles of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, including the following:
(a) To assist in promoting the objectives and policies of the AFL-CIO, and organizations affiliated with the AFL-CIO, so long as their policies and objectives are consistent with the objectives or policies of the AFL-CIO;
(b) To promote and assist the organizing activities of local unions and their parent national or international unions or organizing committees affiliated with the AFL-CIO ;
(c) To provide cooperation and support to chartered central labor councils, affiliated local unions and other affiliated bodies in their common and individual endeavors;
(d) To propose, support and promote legislation favorable to, and oppose legislation detrimental to, the interest of workers and organized labor;
(e) To encourage workers to register and vote, to exercise their full rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and to take their rightful part in the political life of the local, state and national communities;
(f) To serve as a means of exchanging information among affiliated bodies on matters of common interest;
(g) To engage in such other activities as are consistent with the principles set forth in the Constitution of the AFL-CIO and the policies of the AFL-CIO including the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils.
Section 1. This Area Labor Federation shall be of organizations covered by the Area Labor Federation's Charter within the following counties: Chemung, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates. It shall conform to this constitution and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. It shall be composed exclusively of the following organizations:
(a) Local Unions of National and International Unions and organizing committees affiliated with the AFL-CIO, and Local Unions chartered directly by the AFL-CIO;
(b) AFL-CIO Central Labor Councils, Chapters of Area Labor Federations, Local Councils chartered by the Trade and Industrial Departments of the AFL-CIO;
(c) Joint Boards, District Councils, and similar subordinate organizations which are duly chartered by an affiliate of the AFL-CIO;
(d) Associate Member Organizations and Constituency Groups as approved by the
(e) Retiree organizations, as recognized by and pursuant to the rules and policies of the AFL-CIO.
Section 2. Affiliated local unions in good standing shall be entitled to representation at the Annual Meeting or special meetings based on per capita tax paid according to the following schedule:
50 members or less-2 delegates
51-100 members-3 delegates
101-200 members-4 delegates
201-400 members-5 delegates
401-700 members-6 delegates
701-1100 members-7 delegates
One additional delegate for each additional 500 members or major fraction (51% or more), above 1100.
Section 3. (a) Affiliated bodies other than local unions shall be entitled to one delegate and one vote each.
Section 4. No person shall be eligible to serve as a delegate unless he or she is a member of a local union affiliated with this Area Labor Federation or is a National or International Union representative regularly servicing such an affiliated union.
Section 5 Disqualifications No person shall be eligible to serve as a delegate to the annual meeting or an officer of the Executive Council or of any committee of the Area Labor Federation or as a representative, agent or employee of this Federation (a) whose activities and policies are consistently directed toward the achievement of the programs or the purposes of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, terrorism or other forces that suppress individual liberties and freedom of association or (b) who holds a salaried position or any other position of administrative or executive authority in a union, or any subordinate branch of a union, which has been suspended, withdrawn or expelled from the AFL-CIO.
Section 6. No delegate shall be seated at the annual meeting except upon submission of the proper credential from the affiliated organization in good standing. This credential shall be received, examined and attested to by the Credentials Committee as to the eligibility of the delegate and the standing of the organization sending the delegate. No voting shall be conducted at the annual meeting until the Committee has presented the Credentials Committee report.
Section 1. Except on roll call votes, each delegate shall be entitled to one vote. Voting shall be by voice vote or division of the house (show of hands or standing vote) unless a roll call vote is properly demanded by the required number of delegates as provided for in Sec. 2 of this Article.
Section 2. A roll call vote shall be held on any pending question upon demand of thirty percent (30%) or more of the delegates present.
Section 3. The number of votes to which a local union is entitled on roll call votes shall be the average number of members as determined in accordance with Section 4 of this Article.
Section 4. The average membership of a local union shall be determined on the basis of per capita tax payments for the first twelve of the immediately preceding thirteen months. The average membership of a local union affiliated for less than this twelve-month period shall be computed from the month of affiliation, and shall be determined by dividing the total per capita tax paid for all months affiliated by twelve. The affiliation date of all affiliates shall be the date that per capita is first receipted into the ledgers.
Section 5. The votes of a local union shall be divided equally among all its accredited delegates present and each delegate shall be entitled to cast only his/her assigned number of votes. To facilitate the calling of the roll, one delegate may be designated to cast all of the votes of the delegates representing the local union, provided that if any delegate shall challenge the correctness of the votes so cast, the individual delegates of that local union shall be polled.
Section 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain, on a current basis, the official roll of affiliates, showing the average membership of each local union as established under the provisions of Article IV, Section 3 and 4.
Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be the supreme governing body of this Federation and, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, its decisions shall be by a majority vote.
Section 2. The Annual Meeting of the Area Labor Federation shall be held on a Saturday in the Spring. Forty days notice shall be given to all affiliated organizations stating the meeting date, time, place and tentative agenda.
Section 3. Special meetings for consideration of specific matters shall be held when ordered by an Annual Meeting of the Area Labor Federation, by written request of the majority of the Executive Council, at the direction of the President, by majority vote of the Executive Council or by a petition from local unions representing 30% of the affiliated membership of the Area Labor Federation. Written notice of the special meeting shall be given to all affiliated organizations and to all Executive Council members at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting. The matter, or matters, for consideration of the special meeting shall be stated in the notice and no other business shall be transacted.
Section 4. Regular meetings of the Area Labor Federation Executive Council shall be held at least quarterly. Twenty days notice shall be given to all affiliated organizations and Executive Council members stating the meeting date, time, place and tentative agenda.
Section 5. The President of the AFL-CIO, and his/her designees, shall have the right to participate and have a voice in all Area Labor Federation activities, meetings, and deliberations.
Section 1. The officers of the Area Labor Federation shall consist of:
(a) A president;
(b) A secretary-treasurer;
(c) An executive vice president;
(d) A recording secretary;
(e) Seventeen general vice presidents.
(f) One representative of each labor council and chapter, as designated by the Executive Board of each labor council and chapter, regardless of the membership numbers of the labor council. The representative shall be a member of the central labor council’s Executive Board.
(g) One representative shall be elected by the Executive Boards of the Building Trade Councils within the jurisdiction of the Area Labor Federation. This representative shall be a member of a Building Trades Council’s Executive Board.
(h) The Area Labor Federation shall strive to achieve a governing council that reflects the diversity of the membership of the organization represented by the Area Labor Federation. Toward this end, the Executive Council of the Area Labor Federation may appoint up to two members of the Executive Council, which shall be in addition to the members listed in paragraphs (a) - (g). The term of office for these seats shall expire at the same time as other Executive Council officers.
Section 2. The above-listed officers shall comprise the Executive Council of the Area Labor Federation. Three of the vice presidents shall serve the dual role of trustees. The trustees shall be elected by the members of the Executive Council.
Section 3. The Executive Council shall have the power in the event of the affiliation with the Area Labor Federation of a major new affiliate not presently affiliated, after taking all the circumstances into account, to create an additional Executive Council position, pending the next regular election of Executive Council members, and to select a member of such new affiliate to fill that position until the next regular election of officers.
Section 4. Of those Executive Council members elected from categories a, b, c, d and e, no more than two can come from the same International Union. The President and the Secretary-Treasurer shall not be from the same International Union. For purposes of this Article, the Public Employee Federation (PEF) shall be entitled to seek election of up to two Executive Council members.
Section 5. Beginning March, 2003, the officers shall be elected for a term of three years. Interim officers shall serve until March 2003.
Section 6. In accordance with the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Code, no person who is convicted of any felony involving the infliction of grievous bodily injury, any crime of dishonesty, or any crime involving abuse or misuse of such person’s position, shall serve as an officer or managerial employee of the Area Labor Federation.
Section 7. Each affiliated union shall have the right to nominate one person for each officer position. Each nominee shall be a member of an affiliated union and shall remain so at all times during the term of office. If an officer ceases to be a member of an affiliated union, the office shall be declared vacant and filled in accordance with Article VII, Section 7.
Section 1. Nominations for officers shall be made in writing during the period 90-120 days prior to March 1st of the election year. Letters of nomination shall be in writing on the affiliated organization’s stationery, and shall be mailed to the Area Labor Federation by certified mail.
Section 2. Appointment of election committee. One hundred twenty days prior to the election of officers the President shall appoint an Elections Committee subject to the approval of the Executive Council. Any member serving on the Elections Committee shall not be eligible as a candidate for any office. Election Committee members shall also serve as ballot clerks. The Election Committee shall verify that all affiliates casting ballots are eligible to vote under the provisions of this constitution. The chairperson of the Election Committee shall request that the Secretary-Treasurer check the eligibility of all candidates. Immediately after the completion of the election, the Election Committee shall prepare a written signed report showing the number of votes cast for each candidate. This report and ballots shall be presented to the Secretary-Treasurer The Election Committee shall review election appeals in accordance with Article VII, Section 8.
Section 3. No less than 45 nor more than 120 days prior to an election of labor federation officers, the Federation shall compile and notify each affiliated organization of the availability of a list containing the following information: (i) the name and address of each of the labor federation’s elected officers (including Executive Council members); (ii) the name and mailing address of each of the organizations affiliated with the labor federation; (iii) the name of each of the affiliated organization’s principal officers; (iv) each organization’s projected per capita voting strength and delegate entitlement at the election; and (v) to the extent available, the names and mailing addresses of the delegates. Officers of organizations affiliated with the area labor federation shall also be entitled to inspect at the place where the records are kept and to make their own notes concerning the most current underlying records relating to the information included in the list provided above. The Area Labor Federation shall also compile and notify each affiliated organization of the availability of a list containing the information set forth above in each non-election year in the same month in which the information was last provided.
Section 4. Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules Governing Area Labor Councils and this Constitution.
(a) The election for uncontested offices may be by acclamation at the Annual Meeting. For contested positions, affiliated organizations may either cast ballots by mail prior to the Annual Meeting, pursuant to rules and procedures developed by the Election Committee of the Area Labor Federation, or they may deliver ballots to the Annual Meeting. Ballots must be signed by the local union officer casting the ballot and shall show the affiliate and the voting strength of the local.
(b) The officers shall be elected by plurality vote and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.
(c) In the event an election results in a violation of Article VI, Section 4, the two individuals elected to the offices with the highest rank shall be declared elected. For purposes of this subsection, the rank of the offices shall be determined by the order named Article VI, Section 1. The vacancy created by operation of this paragraph shall be filled by the candidate who received the next highest number of votes for that office. If there are no other candidates for such office, the position shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Council at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting.
Section 5. Ballots shall become part of the records of the labor federation and shall be preserved and available for examination by any delegate or officer of an affiliated organization for a period of not less than six months, or until any election protest is resolved and all appeals exhausted, whichever occurs later.
Section 6 Installation of officers shall be held at the conclusion of the election, except that an officer-elect who is unavoidably absent shall be given the obligation and installed at the Executive Council meeting following the election.
Section 7. In the event of a vacancy in any office, the position shall be filled by majority vote by the Executive Council, with nominations and election at the first Executive Council meeting following the occurrence of a vacancy.
Section 8. A protest of the election of any officer of the area labor federation may be made by a candidate for office or by an affiliated organization to the Elections Committee within 30 days of the certification of the election. The Election Committee shall review the protest, and shall report its findings and recommendations to the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall consider the protest at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for this purpose. The Executive Council may, by majority vote, elect to have a hearing on the protest. All parties shall be afforded at least seven days’ notice of any hearing, and shall be given an opportunity to present evidence and arguments. The Executive Council shall decide whether to uphold the protest in whole or in part. The Executive Council may order appropriate remedies up to and including the rerun of the election. The decision of the Executive Council may thereafter be appealed to the President of the AFL-CIO pursuant to the Rules Governing Area Labor Councils.
Section 1. The President shall: be the presiding officer of all meetings of the Area Labor Federation and of the Executive Council; countersign, or in conjunction with the Secretary-Treasurer, appoint a designee to countersign all orders for the payment of funds of the Area Labor Federation; exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the Area Labor Federation between Executive Council meetings; consult regularly with Executive Council members, by phone, fax, e-mail or in person; have the power to interpret the Constitution, subject to ratification of the Area Labor Federation; be an ex-officio member of all committees and perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office and as may be ordered by the Area Labor Federation or the Executive Council. The President may appoint as many Sergeants-at-Arms as necessary to assist in maintaining order in the conduct of meetings of the Area Labor Federation. The president shall serve as chair of the screening committee for recruitment and hiring of staff. The president shall appoint additional members from the Executive Council to serve on this committee. If concurrence cannot be reached on the hiring of staff, the council shall seek assistance from the National AFL-CIO.
Section 2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall: be the custodian of the records of the Area Labor Federation; receive and disburse all funds of this Area Labor Federation upon proper authorization; maintain adequate financial records showing the standing of all affiliated organizations and the source and disposition of all funds; manage the funds and keep the financial records in a manner which generally conform with acceptable accounting standards and abides by those accounting and financial controls as may be approved by the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO or Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO under the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils; submit to the Area Labor Federation a monthly financial statement of all funds, showing the accounts in such detail as the Executive Council or the Area Labor Federation may require; and submit the books for audit on request of the Executive Council.
Section 3. The Executive Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when absent or incapacitated and shall perform duties assigned by the President when requested.
Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings of the area labor federation and of the Executive Council and roll call of the officers at all meetings.
Section 5. The Trustees shall be the custodians of the physical properties of the Area Labor Federation and shall prepare and maintain an inventory of all such properties showing the date of purchase, the cost and estimated current value. They shall examine the records of the Secretary-Treasurer quarterly and shall report to the Federation on the condition of these records.
Section 6. (a) Every officer and employee(s) of this Area Labor Federation, whether elected or appointed, has a high fiduciary duty and sacred trust to serve the best interest of the members honestly and faithfully.
(b) No officer or employee shall own property or have a personal financial interest which conflicts with the full performance of his/her fiduciary duties.
(c) All officers and employees shall abide by the applicable standards of conduct mandated by the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices Code.
ARTICLE IX Executive Council
Section 1. The Executive Council shall be composed of all the officers enumerated in Article VI, Sections 1 (a - h) and 3.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Area Labor Federation between Annual Meetings. It is authorized and empowered to take such action and render such decisions as may be necessary to carry out fully the decisions and instructions of the Federation and as may be necessary and appropriate to safeguard and promote the best interests of the Federation and its affiliated unions.
Section 3. The Executive Council shall meet regularly, at least quarterly, at such time and place as it may determine. It shall meet on call of the President when a special meeting is necessary.
Section 4. The Executive Council shall have the power to make a temporary appointment to any office not otherwise provided for in this Constitution for the period of a temporary disability or the absence of an officer. In case of a permanent vacancy, a special election shall be held in accordance with Article VII, Section 7.
Section 5. A quorum for transaction of the business of the Executive Council shall consist of a majority of its members.
Section 6. In consultation with the central labor councils within its jurisdiction, the Executive Council shall prepare and implement an annual work plan.
Section 1. Any affiliated organization by vote of its membership or Executive Council, or any officer of or delegate to the Area Labor Federation, shall have the right to file charges (a) against any delegate to the Federation for having engaged in conduct or a course of activity hostile or contrary to the best interests of this Federation, or its constitution, or (b) against any officer of this Federation for violating the Constitution or rules of the AFL-CIO or the Constitution of this Federation, or for conduct unbecoming an officer, misappropriation of funds, malfeasance in office or neglect of duty, or (c) against any organization affiliated with the Area Labor Federation for having engaged in conduct or a course of activity hostile or contrary to the best interests of the Area Labor Federation or contrary to this Constitution.
Section 2. All charges shall be in writing, specifying the particular act or acts charged; shall be signed by the charging party or by its officers, if an affiliated organization; and shall be filed with the President or the Secretary-Treasurer of the Area Labor Federation, or with any other officer of the Area Labor Federation, if both the President and the Secretary-Treasurer are charged. The officer receiving the charges shall within 48 hours of receipt of said charges, mail same, by certified mail, to the accused party.
Section 3. Upon receipt of the charges properly filed, the officer receiving same shall present them to the Executive Council at its next meeting and the Executive Council shall determine by majority vote whether or not the charges merit a hearing.
Section 4. If a hearing is warranted, all parties to the dispute shall be given adequate notification of not less than three days of the hearing date, along with a copy of the charges and a record of action taken by the Executive Council to date. All parties shall be accorded full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence.
Section 5. Following a hearing, the Executive Council may take appropriate action, including the suspension or expulsion of any delegate or affiliated organization, and the suspension or removal of any officer found guilty of the charges by a two-thirds vote.
Section 6. The decision of the Executive Council shall be reported to the next Annual Meeting of the Area Labor Federation. Such decision shall be final and binding unless appealed as hereinafter provided.
Section 7. The decision of the Executive Council may be appealed to the President of the AFL-CIO as provided for in the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils. The decision of the Council shall remain in effect during the appeal unless reversed, modified or temporarily stayed by the President of the AFL-CIO.
Section 8. In accordance with Rule 26 of the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils, no organization or individual seeking redress under this Article shall resort to any court until all relief within the AFL-CIO as provided for within this Constitution, the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils, and the Constitution of the AFL-CIO, is exhausted.
Section 1. Affiliated local unions shall pay a monthly per capita tax of $.25 (twenty-five cents) on all its members regularly employed or residing within the jurisdiction of this Area Labor Federation. A local union desiring to affiliate shall pay one month's per capita tax at the time of affiliation. Per capita tax for succeeding months shall be due on the first of each month thereafter. Per capita tax in each case shall be based on the number of dues-paying members for the preceding month. If per capita tax for any month is not paid by the first of the following month, the local union shall be deemed in arrears. Affiliates with jurisdiction covering more than one central labor council shall indicate to the Area Labor Federation at the time of affiliation how many members it is designating to each labor council.
Section 2. Other affiliated organizations (as defined in Article III, Section 1), shall pay an annual fee of $25. Any such organization desiring to affiliate shall pay one year's fee at the time of affiliation. The annual fee for succeeding years shall be due no later than January 15, and if not paid by the first of February, the organization shall be deemed in arrears.
Section 3. A local union or other organization which becomes three months in arrears shall be so notified in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer. If it becomes four months in arrears it shall not be considered in good standing and shall not be entitled to voice or vote in meetings of this Area Labor Federation. It shall be so notified in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer. A copy of this notice shall be sent to the respective central labor councils.
Section 4. A local union or other organization which becomes six months in arrears shall stand suspended from membership and shall be so notified in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer. Notice of this suspension shall also be sent to the International Secretary-Treasurer of the affiliate. A copy of this notice shall be sent to the respective central labor councils.
Section 5. A local union or other organization which has been suspended, or which has withdrawn from membership, may be reinstated by payment of all amounts due at the time of suspension or withdrawal and the current per capita tax or annual fee. However, the average membership of a reinstated local union, for purposes of roll call voting, shall be computed from the date of reinstatement (as if it were a newly affiliated local union), unless the local union shall pay the back per capita tax for the full base period used to determine the average membership as heretofore defined.
Section 6. The Executive Council, upon receiving a written request from an affiliate citing financial difficulties, may exonerate any local union from payment of per capita tax for any month that, in its opinion, just cause for such exoneration exists. Exonerated members shall be regarded, for purposes of this Constitution, as paid up members for the period of exoneration, but the delegates representing such local shall not vote on the question of exoneration.
Section 1. All funds of this Area Labor Federation shall be placed on deposit in a national bank or other federally insured financial institution, as designated by the Executive Council, and shall be paid out only by check bearing the signatures of the President and the Secretary-Treasurer, or by one of these officers and their jointly-appointed designee. No funds shall be expended unless authorized by the Area Labor Federation or its Executive Council. All invoices, receipts and other supporting documents shall be attached to the voucher, which shall be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and countersigned by the President.
Section 2. The accounts and financial records of the Area Labor Federation, including all committees and subordinate agencies of the Area Labor Federation, shall be audited annually, and the audit shall cover the full calendar year. These audits shall be made available to affiliates at the annual meeting and a copy shall be sent to the AFL-CIO. The Executive Council may require more frequent audits or examination of the accounts and financial records of the Secretary-Treasurer at its discretion.
Section 3. All officers and agents of the Area Labor Federation having a financial responsibility shall be covered by a fidelity bond in an amount to be determined by the Executive Council, or as may be required by the Secretary Treasurer of the AFL-CIO. Should the amount of this bond exceed the amount of the bond regularly furnished without cost by the AFL-CIO, the Area Labor Federation shall pay the additional cost of such bond.
Section 4. The Area Labor Federation shall file such reports as may be required by the national AFL-CIO pursuant to Rule 6 and Rule 14 of the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils.
All lists of affiliates or members of affiliates in the possession of the Area Labor Federation shall be used exclusively in carrying out the authorized programs and work of the Federation and shall not be released to any person or organization for any other purpose unless such release has been duly authorized by the Federation and the appropriate officers of the affiliate or affiliates involved.
Section 1. The following standing committees of a minimum of four (4) members each shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Council: Credentials, Ethics, Finance, Personnel, and CLC/Area Federation Strategic Work Plan. Other committees may include, but are not limited to: Mobilization, Union Cities, Affiliations, Organizing, Community Services, Economic Development, Election, Education, and Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2. The members of the standing committees shall serve at the pleasure of the President.
Section 3. Special Committees may be established from time to time by the Area Labor Federation as needed and shall be appointed by the President unless otherwise directed by the Area Labor Federation.
Section 4. All Committees shall report regularly to the Area Labor Federation and any Committee which fails to function shall be dismissed and a new Committee appointed.
Section 1. Chapters may be developed in geographic areas where a central labor council does not exist. A chapter shall have a chairperson and a secretary. Chapters may enact bylaws consistent with the Area Labor Federation’s constitution and the Rules Governing Area Labor Councils. Chapters shall carry out local political, legislative and solidarity programs as deemed appropriate. Any local union with members in a chapter’s geographic area may send members to the chapter meeting. A chapter shall be entitled to one representative on the Executive Council of the Area Labor Federation. As deemed appropriate, chapters shall receive funds from the Area Labor Federation for approved activities.
Section 1. The legislative activities of the Area Labor Federation shall be under the direction of the Executive Council. These activities shall conform to the policies of the State AFL-CIO on state matters and to the policies of the National AFL-CIO on national affairs, and to the policies of each Central Labor Council on local matters.
Section 2. The political activities of the Area Labor Federation shall be under the direction of the Federation’s Committee on Political Education (COPE), which is hereby constituted as the political arm of this Council. The Executive Council shall constitute the Area Labor Federation's Committee on Political Education. The Executive Council shall review central labor council recommendations for state legislative and congressional endorsements, and shall forward the recommendations with comment to the State AFL-CIO.
Section 3. The President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Federation shall be the chair and chief financial officer respectively of the Committee on Political Education.
Section 4. The COPE shall operate in conformity with the policies of the AFL-CIO including Rules 30 through 46 of the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils, and State COPE.
Section 5. The Area Labor Federation's Committee on Political Education shall have power to formulate By-Laws to govern COPE which shall be subject to ratification by the Area Labor Federation and approval of the AFL-CIO.
Section 6. Additional members may be added to the Committee in accordance with properly approved By Laws.
Section 1. This Area Labor Federation shall not take part in any collective bargaining activities or in any labor dispute, including strikes, except upon the request or consent of the affected union or organizing committee, or in the case of a local union directly affiliated to the AFL-CIO, except upon the request or consent of the AFL-CIO President.
Section 2. This Labor Federation does not have the power or authority to originate a boycott or to initiate action to place an employer on an “unfair” or “do not patronize” list. All such action shall be taken only on written request of the aggrieved union or in response to an action of the AFL-CIO. When such action is requested by an aggrieved union, the Federation shall be governed by appropriate procedures of Rule 21 of the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils.
Section 1. The procedures to be followed with respect to publications issued or endorsed by this Area Labor Federation, shall be in accord with Rule 23 and the other policies contained in the Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils.
Section 2. In case of conflict between the provisions of this Constitution or other laws or actions of this Area Labor Federation and the Constitution of the AFL-CIO, and/or the Rules Governing Area Labor Councils issued by the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO, the latter shall prevail, and appropriate steps shall be taken by the Executive Council to initiate such amendment to this Constitution or to change or modify the laws or actions of this Federation as necessary to bring them into conformity with the Constitution and Rules Governing AFL-CIO Area Labor Councils.
Section 3. The parliamentary rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this Area Labor Federation in all cases to which they are applicable and where they are not inconsistent with this Constitution, or such special rules of order as may be adopted by this Area Labor Federation.
Section 4. This Constitution may be amended at the Annual Meeting of this Area Labor Federation by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided the proposed amendment(s) shall have been submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer at least forty days prior to the Annual Meeting and properly certified by an affiliated organization or by a delegate representing an affiliated organization. Amendments may also be proposed by the Executive Council. All proposed amendments shall be mailed to all affiliates at least thirty five days prior to the Annual Meeting at which it is to be considered. Amendments to this Constitution shall become effective when approved by the President of the AFL-CIO.
Obligation of Officers
Before entering upon the duties each officer-elect shall assume the following obligation: "I, (give name), do hereby promise to faithfully perform all the duties of the office to which I have been elected to the best of my ability, and to uphold the Constitution of the Area Labor Federation, and of the AFL-CIO. I further promise to deliver all property in my possession belonging to this Area Labor Federation to my successor in office and to surrender such property to the President of the AFL-CIO upon his/her official demand."